Trade Works for America

Passing the USMCA


Trade Works for America was a bipartisan effort pivotal to the passage of the United States - Mexico - Canada Agreement. The USMCA modernized the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), by maintaining tariff-free exports and imports on hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S. trade, protecting intellectual property, supporting U.S. auto production, and expanding markets for U.S. agriculture.

We pressured key members from congressional districts with messages specific to these districts – from almond growers in CA-10, to cattle and dairy farmers in WI-03 and WI-06, and autoworkers in Michigan.

Result: We activated over 300,000 constituents in 52 congressional districts.


Trade Works for America planned and executed more than 25 events throughout the country and in Washington, D.C. We featured special guests including former Vice President Mike Pence, governors, and cabinet officials in support of the USMCA.

Former Vice President Mike Pence and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds in Des Moines, IA

Former Vice President Mike Pence and former Labor Secretary Eugene Scalia in Minneapolis, MN

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